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Meet Our Staff

My name is Pat Kempf and I am originally from the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. I was born in Chicago, but moved with my family to the U.P. as a baby and lived most of my life there. Growing up in rural Michigan I gained an appreciation for small town living, the abundance of the natural world, and the bonds formed in close knit community. I attended under-grad at Northern Michigan University where I received my B.S. in Psy-chology with a minor in Communication. I worked in radio broadcasting and the hospitality and food service industry while attending school while also keeping up a side gig in professional photography. I then made my way to St. Paul to attend Luther Seminary.


While in the Twin Cities, I grew in my love for the bustling life of metropolitan areas. The music, art, food, and diversity of people and experiences brought me alive. I’m thankful to have an appreciation for both small town and big city life. I also found an opportunity to work at Lake Wapogasset Bible Camp in Amery, WI. I had worked at and attended another camp, Fortune Lake Lutheran Camp in Crystal Falls, MI, for most summers of my childhood and college years and wanted one last summer at a different camp. I’m most thankful I did, because it was there I met my wonderful wife, Sarah.


Someday we hope to run a camp of our own and facilitate for the next generations the learning, growth, faith development, and fun we had the opportunity to experience at camps growing up. For now though, we are so happy to be here serving this community.


Here in my first call, I've enjoyed working together with our councils and members to grow our ministries, strengthen our relationships, build new ones, and ensure that our congregations thrive for years to come. 

May you all be blessed beyond imagining and know the Holy Spirit is alive and at work in your lives!


Pastor Pat Kempf

Pastor Pat

Our Savior's

Church Secretary

Rhonda Berg

Our Savior's Council Meeting - 2nd Monday of each month - 6:30pm
Members are welcome to attend any time

Our Savior's

Our Savior's Lutheran Church Council

President: Eric Nottestad

Vice-President: Tucker Anderson

Secretary: Barb Christenson

Treasurer: Jayne Anderson

Bookkeeper: Shelly Holen

Tony Myhre
Lori Johnson
Karen Traastad
Kathy Volden
Ed Pedretti


Skogdalen Lutheran Church Council

President: John Opsahl
Vice-President: Richard Mellen

Secretary: Shirley Herricks
Treasurer: Lisa Mellen

Terry Gilbeck
Heather Euler
Rhonda Berg
Nancy Graw

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