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In baptism, God grants the gifts of forgiveness of sins, salvation and eternal life, and entrance into the body of Christ, which is the church, the gathered community of faith. 


These are the promises made by the baptized or his/her parent(s) at Baptism:


  1. Faithfully bring him/her to the services of God’s house.

  2. Teach him/her the Lord’s Prayer, the Creed, and the Ten Commandments.

  3. Place in his/her hands the Holy Scriptures.

  4. Provide for his/her instruction in the Christian faith.

Communion Ceremony in Church


We can always learn more about God, church, faith, and life together.


Confirmation is a pastoral and educational ministry of the church which helps the baptized child of God through Word and Sacrament to identify more deeply with the Christian community and participate more fully in its mission. 


The Rite of Confirmation is an affirmation of baptism.  Baptism is complete in and of itself.  Confirmation is not necessary to complete baptism or ensure salvation, but at confirmation the young person takes personal responsibility for the promises made at baptism by his/her parents. 


At Our Savior's Lutheran Church, our confirmation program is centered in the 7th and 8th grade years.  Parents and students who choose to participate will make a public commitment during worship when they enter the beginning of the program.  



Couples desiring to be married in the church, and/or by the Minister of the church, are making a commitment to a Christian marriage.


Couples desiring to be married in the church, and/or by the Minister of the church, are making a commitment to a Christian marriage.  At least one of the couple must be Christian, and both ready and willing to enter into a Christian marriage.  A Christian marriage recognizes the unity between a husband and wife as a gift from God.  Together they seek to strengthen that unity in a lifelong commitment to faithful love and service to each other. 


Please contact the Church Office at least six months before the preferred date for the wedding.  (Shorter time frames may be permitted, depending on the availability of the pastor.)  It is wise to make sure the date is available before, or at the same time, as booking the reception location. 


The couple will meet with the Minister so the Minister can to get to know the couple, and ensure they have discussed their relationship and future together.  Planning for the wedding worship service will also be done during these meetings. 


If you wish to inquire about your wedding being held at Our Savior's or Skogdalen Lutheran Church, or for the Minister to officiate at your wedding at another location, please contact the Minister.



There is perhaps no time in the Christian life when the ministry of the church and the consolation of the gospel is more needed than at the time of death.


When we are confronted with our mortality and have to say goodbye to someone we love, whether a family member or a member of our congregation, we deeply long to be in community, to hear the proclamation of God’s victory over death in Jesus Christ, and to commend the deceased to the love and mercy of God.


We long to mark the end of a human life, to give thanks for that person and, perhaps, also for the end of an extended illness or period of suffering. The funeral liturgy is a primary place where these spiritual and emotional needs are met.

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